EU STR Regulation: Close Collaboration between All Stakeholders and Common Technical Solutions Key to the Success of the New Rules
eu travel tech looks forward to the entry into force of the EU Regulation on data collection and sharing relating to short-term accommodation rental services (“EU STR Regulation”). This newly established legislative framework serves as a solid foundation to promote greater clarity and transparency concerning the responsibilities of all stakeholders in the STR sector.
As we approach the implementation phase of this legislation, we are committed to working closely with Member States and the European Commission to ensure the swift and effective implementation of the new rules within the ambitious timeline set by the Regulation.
Any registration procedure established by a Member State for STR units located in their territories will have to adhere to the provisions of the new Regulation. This will involve Member States establishing a dedicated digital infrastructure (so-called Single Digital Entry Points or “SDEPs”) to facilitate seamless data exchange between STR platforms and public authorities, as well as to enable STR platforms to randomly verify the validity of host registration numbers, among other functions.
The Regulation’s success pivots on the effective implementation and interoperability of this digital infrastructure. The smooth functioning of the SDEPs will be, in fact, key for all stakeholders, hosts, platforms and competent authorities, to fulfil their respective obligations. In this regard, we believe that adopting a standardised approach to the technical requirements underpinning the SDEPs will be essential in reducing the administrative burden for both Member States and platforms and, ultimately, in order to meet the objective of streamlining data sharing across the EU.
We would welcome the opportunity to work in close collaboration to ensure the development of efficient and interoperable solutions for the SDEPs. To this end, eu travel tech members are currently working on a common industry position on the detailed API and technical principles and standards that should underpin the set-up of the SDEPs, with the hope that these principles will help guide discussions on implementation.
We are confident that, working together, we can ensure the seamless adoption of the common technical solutions that will be essential to the swift implementation of the rules.