EU Regulation on Short-Term Rentals: Towards Data-Driven Policymaking?
EU lawmakers are discussing a new Regulation that aims to increase transparency and streamline rules in the short-term accommodation rental (STR) market. The new rules will provide Member States with tools and data to better understand the extent of STR activity within their territories and enable them to develop evidence-based and proportionate policies. The Regulation should represent an important step forward in terms of giving public authorities a clearer view of the dynamics in the STR market and in supporting data-driven policymaking.
The devil is of course in the detail! Many open questions remain on how to ensure local rules on STRs are proportionate and well targeted, in line with the EU Services Directive. As data on STR becomes available, how will this impact policymaking? What policy measures will be deemed proportionate? Where should the line be drawn to strike a balance?
We will discuss these questions in a breakfast event hosted by MEP Josianne Cutajar in the European Parliament. The event will showcase a study funded by eu travel tech and authored by Professor Christoph Busch, which explores the subject and provides insights into potential policy solutions.
- Josianne Cutajar, MEP, Member of the EP Tourism Taskforce within the TRAN Committee, Rapporteur for the TRAN opinion on the STR Regulation
- David Blanchard, Deputy Head of Unit, Digital Transformation of Industry, DG GROW
- Christoph Busch, Professor of Law, University of Osnabrück
- Emmanuel Mounier, Secretary General, eu travel tech
Register here.
European Parliament