Press Release

eu travel tech Calls for a DSA Adapted to Diverse Business Models

eu travel tech stresses the importance of a DSA adapted to diverse business models and their different risk profiles applying to the different sectors before EU negotiators agree on the law

Brussels, 20 January 2022

Following the adoption of the European Parliament’s  position on the Digital Services Act, paving the way for the start of inter-institutional negotiations, eu travel tech is concerned that several provisions are designed with very specific business models and platforms in mind, and are ill-adapted to the diverse set of companies that are in scope of the DSA, notably the travel tech sector or other services-based sectors.

Eu Travel Tech fully supports the DSA’s core objectives to deliver a more responsible online environment. However, several of the provisions are focused on problems originating from certain types of online platforms, such as goods marketplaces or social networks and are thus ill-adapted to others, such as services marketplaces.

The eu travel tech industry urges for the nuances between the different business models and sectors to be reflected in the regulation in order to support proportionate, clear and enforceable rules. For instance, mandating online travel platforms to make available very specific details of the trader or economic operator – specifically the email address – to users may make sense for goods marketplaces, but in the travel sector would encourage free riding. Indeed, the proposed rules on advertising, traceability of traders or the newly suggested provisions on compliance by design and right to information, all appear to lack the necessary legal clarity to make them operational by all online travel platforms, especially services marketplaces such as those operated by eu travel tech members.

Going forward, we urge the EU institutions to agree and adopt rules that are adapted to the different business models his is the only way to support a thriving environment for all sectors present in the digital economy, which in turn allows consumers to benefit from a more responsible digital market.

For any questions: Emmanuel Mounier, +32 499 80 13 74