Webinar – Multimodal Ticketing: Closing the Gap Between Regulatory Theory and Commercial Reality, 23 March 2021, 9:30 CET

Booking an air-rail journey should be as easy as booking a trip combining two airlines – but it is not! The future of multimodal transportation, addressed in the Commission’s recent Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, is still largely dependent on creating the right market and regulatory environment. When this is achieved, travel will become more sustainable and more seamless for EU citizens.

To discuss challenges and opportunities of making multimodal transport a reality in the European market, eu travel tech invites you to a webinar on Multimodal ticketing: closing the gap between regulatory theory and commercial reality, 23 March, 9.30-11.00 CET.

Hosted by MEP Ismail Ertug (S&D, DE), we will discuss incentivising the distribution of multimodal travel offerings, upscaling data access, and next steps for EU lawmakers.


Introduction: Ismail Ertug, Member of the European Parliament (S&D, DE)
Keynote speech: Juan Montero, Florence School of Regulation

Moderated by Dave Keating, France 24
Charlotte Norlund-Matthiessen, Cabinet of Transport Commissioner Valean
Dimitri Vergne, Team Leader, Sustainability, BEUC
Mirja Sickel, Head of Traveller Centric Platform, Amadeus
Nich Ashton, Head of Alliances, Vueling

Wrap up and conclusion: Ismail Ertug, Member of the European Parliament (S&D, DE)

For  registration, please see HERE.


This webinar will be the first in a four-part series of events entitled “Travel your way: The sustainable travel forum”. Stay tuned for upcoming webinars on:

  • transparency on CO2 emissions as the key to unlock sustainable air travel (April);
  • new way of sustainable tourism accommodations thanks to more transparency (May);
  • making rail more attractive through better rail distribution (June).