Webinar: Travelling in COVID times: How Can Transparency Restore Travellers’ Confidence? – 3 February 2022

Two years after the COVID-19 outbreak, European citizens are gradually beginning to feel more confident to travel again. As we confront new variants, however, the pandemic continues to raise concerns among travellers who are worried about their personal health and safety. Hence, rebuilding trust is crucial to get people travelling again. But, how can we achieve that?

While many initiatives have been implemented since the beginning of the crisis – including notably the European Commission’s COVID-19 Safety Seal label for tourism establishments – much more needs to be done. Players across the travel ecosystem have an important role to play: travel intermediaries can provide transparency on the measures adopted by tourism operators; tourism operators can implement health and safety protocols and provide accurate and reliable information; tourism promotion authorities can help to set up these protocols and communicate them to travellers.

To discuss how to safely restore the confidence to travel for European travellers, the challenges ahead and possible solutions, we would like to invite you to a webinar on:

“Travelling in COVID times: how can transparency restore travellers’ confidence?”, 3 February, 12:00-13:00 CET

This webinar will address some of the following questions: What instruments can ensure safe travelling? How can institutions regain people’s trust in the current and future travel environment? What kind of reassurances are travellers looking for? Will increased transparency restore travellers’ confidence? What role can distributors play, including online travel platforms?  What role can the EU play overall?


Opening remarks by Emmanuel Mounier, Secretary General, eu travel tech

Debate moderated by Dave Keating, France 24:

What role do tourism public officials have in restoring travellers’ confidence?

  • Sandra Carvão, Chief Market Intelligence & Competitiveness, UNWTO
  • Leonor Picão, Director responsible for the ‘Clean & Safe protocols’, Turismo de Portugal

How can private operators help to restore travellers’ confidence?

  • Becky Foley, Global Trust and Safety, Tripadvisor
  • Inge Huijbrechts, Global Senior Vice President Sustainability, Security and Corporate Communications, Radisson Hotels

Q&A session with all speakers

Wrap up and conclusions by MEP Josianne Cutajar

We would be delighted if you would join us for the debate. If you wish to register, please follow this If you wish to register, please follow this link